lundi 5 mars 2012

Lindy-Hop Evening, February 20th

The evening was great fun. A great turn-out with 20 French students and 15 Americans. We are sorry we had to turn students down, but the nature of the event made it necessary to limit the participants so we would all still be able to move around without getting too many bruises! 

Special thanks to College Swing (Jérôme and Véronique), to Gabi and Kira from CEPA for helping us organize the event and to all the students who were amazing good sports (and super special thanks also to the Humber and Georgia State students who stayed and helped clean up afterwards).

We hope that the music and Lindy, the beautiful place and the incomparable atmosphere have helped make connections. 

Looking forward to seeing you all again for a movie night in March.


Petra and Justine
Comité Jeunes, AEU

"A unique experience. Great fun too!"

“The evening was so much fun. I met some great people!”

“It was so interesting to learn Lindy-Hop and make new friends.”


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